Books are powerful. God chose to communicate His Word through a series of 66 books. Today, it is still important to read good books, especially holiness books. This is why we have asked several of our pastors and leaders to recommend books that are on their shelf or were influential in their spiritual journey. Here are Alan Walter’s top picks for our new series “Books You Should Read”:
  1. Heart Talks by Beverly Carradine. I highly recommend Carradine’s other books as well. He wrote many works on holiness.
  2. Holiness for Ordinary People by Keith Drury. The 25th Anniversary Edition of this book is available here.
  3. Holiness and High Country by A. F. Harper. This devotional is excellent for anyone who is seeking entire sanctification or wants to go deeper with God.
  4. Steps of Grace by Stephen Gibson
  5. Entire Sanctification Explained by C. W. Ruth. He wrote several other books on holiness which you may find beneficial. 
  6. Be Ye Holy by Leslie Wilcox​. This study on Entire Sanctification also features a sketch of the history and the literature of the Holiness movement. 
  7. The Holy Way by Dale Yocum
Additionally, read Pentecostal Wine from Bible Grapes by Beverly Carradine if you are able to secure a copy. This very old devotional book is one of my favorites. Finally, any of the books by Samuel Logan Brengle are a worthwhile read.

Featured Contributor

Alan Walter is the Senior Pastor of the God’s Missionary Church in Lebanon, PA. He serves as the Treasurer for the General Board